Knapp Winery

brand & marketing strategy
website design & build
social media strategy
e-mail marketing

A pioneer of the Finger Lakes, Knapp Winery has been producing world-class wines along the shores of Cayuga Lake for almost 50 years. Recently undergone a rebrand, the winery was in need of strategy and direction to leverage the brand for growth.

Brand Strategy

B. Brand House dove deep with the Knapp Winery team to establish annual marketing strategies, guiding key product focuses, seasonal goals, media mix to increase brand awareness.

In the first year of working with B. Brand House, Knapp Winery saw a 6% higher increase in sales compared to previous annual growth.


Full website rebuild implements the new brand with two goals in mind: establish the winery as a must-visit destination in the Finger Lakes and improve SEO to increase brand discovery online.

Through a codeless platform, the website is easily maintained with new events, offerings, wine club sign-ups, and accolades.

social feed before & after

Social Media & E-mail Marketing

A stronger, consistent social presence and e-mail marketing strategy keep Knapp Winery top-of-mind and build a relationship with its customers.


Rohrbach Brewing Co.


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